find your level.

what class is right for YOU? We’ve created a guide to our level system to help you find out!

for class registration, click the link below.

*** Everyone’s dance journey is different! These levels come with the assumption that the dancer already has some experience in other styles under their belt. Progression may take longer if someone is BRAND NEW to all dance, there is a lot that your body has to learn! Above all, find classes where you feel like you can succeed, & allow that to be your guide. Welcome to the ZTHEORY community!


First Step (less than 1 year):

First Step means you are JUST beginning your heels journey. We recommend sticking with classes within this level for your first year so you can absorb & learn in a class that won’t overwhelm you.

Recommended Classes - ZTHEORY foundation, Heels 101, Other Technique workshops/drop-ins.

Beginner (1-2 Years):

Being a beginner means that your body is still building musculature, adjusting, & changing to support your execution of the Heels style. As you do this, It’s important to be in classes that allow for technique practice & choreography that you can FULLY execute.

Recommended Classes - ZTHEORY foundation, Hot Girl Heels, Heels 101, Beginner choreography workshops/drop-ins.

Intermediate (2-5 Years):

Now that you’re strong & technically sound, you’re ready to start focusing on higher level movement vocabulary! Intermediate classes are where we start adding even MORE layers to our base & working on retention of more complex choreography. You will also start working on textures & performance elements.

Recommended Classes - Drillz & Skillz, Hot Girl Heels, Open Leven drop-ins, ZTHEORY ACADEMY.

Advanced (5+ Years)

Advanced dance classes focus on texture, performance, ensemble work & DETAILS. Advanced dancers have a strong grasp of ZTHEORY movement vocabulary, performance concepts, choreography retention techniques, & physical stamina. These dancers are often working professionally & looking to push themselves even further.

Recommended Classes - Natalya’s workshops, Open level drop-ins, ZTHEORY ACADEMY, ZTHEORY performance roster.